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The Disaster Risk Management and Civil Resilience is an ERASMUS+ KA2 VET Sector Project which aims to improve the capacity, skills building, and readiness in Disaster Risk Management (DRM), including the issues of prevention, effective handling, and rehabilitation across the EU. The main expected outcome is an innovative package of learning, training, and navigation tools in civil protection and resilience which will equip professionals in the field with practical, relevant, and up-to-date training opportunities to enhance their skills and capacities to better prepare them to respond to disasters.  The project is coordinated by the Center for Security Studies (KEMEA) in Greece, with partners from Italy, Greece, Belgium, Slovakia and Cyprus.

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ALLON_I3 (Alliance on interregional innovation investments) is funded by EISMEA for the years 2023-2025 and aims to increase the capacity of the participating less developed regions to cooperate with more developed countries and countries in transition, shaping and interweaving the Allon_I3 interregional innovation investment ecosystem with stronger value chains.  The consortium is made up of organisations from Bulgaria, Portugal, Italy, Norway, Denmark, Greece and Cyprus and is coordinated by ADRAL, Portugal. 

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MEDS | Managers of European Smart Destinations

MEDS (Managers of European Smart Destinations) is funded through the Cooperation partnerships in Vocational education and training for the years 2022 to 2024 and aims to build on the key concepts and practices of the European Capitals of Smart Tourism, namely: Accessibility, Sustainability, Digitalisation, Cultural heritage & creativity and to help tourism recovery and resilience in European destinations, including small and peripheral areas, and contribute to making them evolve with a common purpose and a strong sense of place that is shared by visitors and residents.  The consortium is made up of organsiations from Italy, Bulgaria, Estonia, Slovenia, and Cyprus and is coordinated by DESTINATION MAKERS SRLS from Italy.

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ENEU | Empowerneurship for Newcomers in Europe

ENEU (Empowerneurship for Newcomers in Europe) is funded through the Cooperation partnerships in Adult education for  the years 2021 to 2024 and aims to make self-employment a viable option for migrants and displaced people in transition in Europe and also for those who wish to return to their country of origin. The main objectives of the project are: (1) to train the trainers in order to use the entrepreneurial tools and modules developed in the project, and (2) to develop the learning process by introducing and implementing a new innovative methodology: @Home in Transition. The consortium is made up of representatives from Norway, Italy, Greece, Austria and Cyprus and is coordinated by Oslo International Hub AS from Norway.

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CODA | Coding for Adults

CODA | Coding for Adults project aims to improve accessibility and increase take-up of adult education. With a free, easily accessible MOOC that is professionally produced, the project aims to make it possible for adult learners to acquire coding skills on their own enable them to solve challenges at work or in everyday situations with coding. The project is creating a learning approach that is modern and easily accessible to all adults who are willing to continue learning.  The consortium is made up of organisations from Cyprus and Aruba and is coordinated by Ingenious Knowledge GmbH from Germany.

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VREurope | Combining language and culture learning with immersive historical and cultural experiences in Virtual Reality

VREurope: Combining language and culture learning with immersive historical and cultural experiences in Virtual Reality, is funded through Cooperation partnerships in youth for the years 2023 to 2026 and aims to  create an online multiplayer, hybrid e-learning system that combines  language, culture and history learning with a multiplayer Virtual  Reality Simulation ( intended as social gaming), thereby providing a  "flight simulator" experience for learning, which is available for  self-study as well as blended learning across different ages and  teaching institutions. VREurope primarily targets young learners aged 16 to 25, and educators.  The consortium is made up of representatives from France, Cyprus, Germany, and  North Macedonia, and is coordinated by LudusXR Aps from  Denmark.

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DIGEMPLOY | Empowering Women, Migrants, and NEETs (WoMiN) to Join the Labor Market

Digemploy  is an innovative project aimed at fostering inclusion and providing  opportunities for women, migrants, and NEETs (Not in Education,  Employment, or Training) in the labour market.  Through  our hands-on and comprehensive approach, we seek to bridge the digital  divide, promote inclusive literacy teaching, and support marginalized  groups in their journey towards active participation in society and a  positive insertion into the labour market. We want to support WoMiN on  their journey into the labour market with tools that adapt to their  needs.  DigEmploy  is an Erasmus+ program and it is  being implemented by a consortium formed by organizations from Austria,  Belgium, Cyprus, Ireland and Spain

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